Who are we?

The Association of Technical Staff in Psychology is a network of dedicated Psychology Staff and Technicians, currently with over 60 members from institutions across the UK and Ireland. We share knowledge, resources and best practice from our areas of expertise; both on our dedicated members forum and in person at our annual conference - held at a different university every year.

We have strong links with the BPS, where we work closely to inform good working practices and ensure technicians are at the forefront of knowledge and policy development, as well as being recognised in the BPS awards. In addition, many members are part of the technician commitment, which is dedicated to improving the visibility, recognition, career development and sustainability of technicians across the sector. In addition, ATSiP members were at the forefront of working towards becoming the first technicians to be awarded the title of registered science technician (RSciTech), a new award conferred by the Science Council.

Membership is available to technical staff working in Psychology and related disciplines. If you want to know more or become a member, get in touch with one of our friendly regional representatives!

Regional Reps


One of the key features of our association is our Members’ Forum. Here you can ask questions, inform others of best practice you have found or developed, or advertise roles and events to other technical staff. Having access to a network of Psychology Technicians from institutions around the UK and Ireland is invaluable for receiving help or support; for problem-solving and guidance on Psychology specific pieces of hardware or software, to just having someone who has who has worked through a similar issue themselves.

ATSiP Forum Image

Forum access is granted after you sign up, so get in touch now!

The Committee

  • Richard Weatherall
    Richard Weatherall


  • Wakefield Morys-Carter
    Wakefield Morys-Carter

    Treasurer and Membership Secretary

  • Sam Royle
    Sam Royle


  • Neil Carter
    Neil Carter

    Conference Co-Coordinator

  • Sean Rooney
    Sean Rooney

    BPS Liaison Officer

Check Out The National Campaign For Highlighting Technicians

While many member universities are signed up to the Technician Commitment, ATSiP are going one step further to develop a formal action plan to become an official supporter. This will provide members with a single point of contact for advice, guidance and Technician Commitment updates all in one place. Members can also have direct input on the plan and advise on areas that need attention.

Our new action plan can be found here:



BPS Logo

With a vast number of accredited programmes across our member institutions, ATSiP has a close working relationship with the BPS, including our BPS Liaison Officer to ensure our voice is heard and we have a direct representative for issues relating to Technicians.

In addition to being consulted about our views on topics such as the technical support staff-student ratios for accreditation standards; every year the BPS runs two technical awards ATSiP members can submit applications to. One award is available for technical support, and one for research.
